Wasting Money on Whitewashing Marketing

Old Whitewater – a state of mind and not a person – loves little more than a one-size fits all boosterism plan. This kind of approach was tired even in print – it’s next to worthless in a diverse digital world.

And yet, and yet, along comes a public relations man and his assistant to peddle the Go Whitewater Now marketing page on Facebook page even when countless residents have better and more interesting Facebook pages for their local community organizations and projects.

Much of the sales pitch in the 4.25.19 presentation to the Whitewater Community Development Authority (embedded above) is littered with business jargon ill-suited to effective persuasion.  It’s really quite something.  Other communities are likely beset with this same affliction.

(Obvious point: FREE WHITEWATER isn’t on Facebook; here I’m referring to others’ Facebook efforts, each of them more genuine and compelling than a banal online travelogue.)

Search Facebook even briefly and you’ll find many more popular and engaging local efforts.

The city already pays an executive director of the Community Development Authority and a Public Relations and Communications Manager. That’s more than enough public money for marketing efforts.

Whitewater is a small town – there’s no one here publicly employed who doesn’t have the time (without additional charge) for a project even better than Go WW Now, if only he or she should have a bit of commitment and a bit of creativity.

In any event, any private party who truly cared about the city would not hold out his hand for public money for a job that others on Facebook do without charge, and do better, every day.

Honest to goodness.

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A Town Squire
5 years ago

Right on target.If we had a dollar for each new idea like this we would be loaded. This was halfway reasonable 15 years ago. Time’s up on that. There’s no one around who still thinks these pr moves mean anything for Whitewater.
LMAO that the CDA manager thinks this is a great idea. Aren’t we paying him now?
A lot of us used to hope for these ideas but it has not worked out.IT’s money down the drain today.
Thanks for being sensible again.

5 years ago

The other commenter is right that the city has moved away from this mutual handwashing league with its baby WEDC. All these gentlemen look out of touch.

There’s new energy in community orgs trying to reach residents at the poverty level. That’s what Whitewater needs. I mentioned the fantastic Community Space before. That’s making a real difference for food, clothing, and furniture.

I don’t share your support for free markets/capitalism, but it’s 100% right that business-speak about a promo page is empty babble. I also respect that you’ve been honest about where we really are as a city and that it’s not wrong to say so.

Marketing and public relations won’t get Whitewater what it needs. True, John, true.