A Model Ordinance

These last few months, beginning in September, Whitewater’s Planning Commission has heard, and subsequently considered, a proposal for an urban (backyard) chicken ordinance. The proposal is not mine; I have been a mere observer of this effort. One may write about a topic, but only after months of careful observation, as in this case.

I have watched this discussion with interest, these months since September.

Some time ago, I’d written in support (i, ii, iii) of hens as urban chickens, but there’s nothing of my effort in the months of careful work and preparation for Whitewater’s present proposal; the credit for that hard work lies only elsewhere.

There are many reasons to support this proposal, as an expression of sustainability, organic and healthful living, property rights, our agricultural heritage, and our sophisticated, upscale future. Urban chickens offer all these advantages for our community.

That’s not all, however, behind months of work: this proposal rests on a model ordinance, that Whitewater’s residents, Neighborhood Services Director, and Planning Commissioners have used as a starting point for considerable hours of work and review. That’s not just an effort, but an effort with the right beginning.

From an initial mention of a proposed ordinance on 9.10.12 (video from start to 4:03), to additional materials and discussion on 10.8.12 (video from 25:30 to 2:00:00), to a working session to consider a model ordinance based on best practices elsewhere on 11.12.12 (video from 34:45 to 1:35:22), to a unanimous recommendation to Council at the 12.10.12 Planning Commission meeting.

It’s an understatement to say that this was solid, capable, patient work. It’s not merely solid or capable and patient work for our city – but that it would be for any city.

That standard is, in the end, exactly the standard Whitewater deserves – the equal of the best practices of any other community.

This is a proposal easily worthy of Common Council’s full support.

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