
A Model Ordinance

These last few months, beginning in September, Whitewater’s Planning Commission has heard, and subsequently considered, a proposal for an urban (backyard) chicken ordinance. The proposal is not mine; I have been a mere observer of this effort. One may write about a topic, but only after months of careful observation, as in this case. I…

Old Dogs, Amazing New Tricks

Eighteen-month-old Giant Schnauzer Monty, 1-year-old Whippet-cross Ginny and 10-month-old Beardie-cross Porter are undergoing an intensive course with animal trainer Mark Vette to prove in a driving test live on-air that rescue dogs are just as worthy of human love and effort…. So far, all three dogs have driven a real car with human assistance —…

How Ag Gag Laws Suppress Free Speech

Utah and Iowa, among other states, have passed ‘ag gag’ laws to prevent the recording of videos that reveal animal abuse at slaughterhouses. These private recordings are a consequence of regulatory failure, just as laws to prevent them are proof of political hypocrisy. If states regulated properly the videos wouldn’t be necessary; likewise, proper regulation…

Man bites cobra to death in Nepal

A cobra bit Mohamed Salmo Miya, so he retaliated, with a fatal result (for the snake): “I could have killed it with a stick but bit it with my teeth instead because I was angry,” Reuters reported Miya, 55, as saying. Part man, part mongoose? Via WISN. Also posted on 8.24.12 @ Daily Adams.

Can office dogs reduce stress?

Perhaps they can — According to a preliminary investigation published in March in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Business, employees who bring their dog to the office can cap the amount of stress experienced during the day, and improve job satisfaction for all…. Those who…