
Friday Catblogging: ‘Nip

[Leonora Enking, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.] Inverse has an article on The science behind catnip’s potent powers: Catnip’s pungent odor comes from a chemical called nepetalactone. It helps the plant repel insects. But this research takes us further into the evolution of nepetalactone using genetic analysis. According to study co-author Benjamin Lichman, a…

Friday Catblogging: Heroic Military Cats

Jackie Mead writes of 6 Heroic Military Cats. Among those admirable felines was the U.S. Navy tabby Princess Papule: Striped tabby Princess Papule was born on July 4, 1944, at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base in Hawaii. Pooli, as she was known to the sailors, was brought aboard the attack transport USS Fremont by crewman James Lynch.…

Friday Catblogging: A Cougar in Utah

Anastasia Tsioulcas reports Man Escapes Cougar: ‘Dude, I Don’t Feel Like Dying Today’: Twenty-six-year-old Kyle Burgess was on a 10-mile run on Saturday up Slate Canyon in Provo, Utah. He told the Deseret News that when he saw four cougar cubs on the trail, he took out his phone and started filming. But when Burgess…

Friday Catblogging: A Bike-Touring Cat

Jessica Coulton of Bicycling writes of An Internet-Famous Bike-Touring Cat? Read All About Her in ‘Nala’s World’: Even over video chat, it was clear to see the depth of the bond between Nala the cat and her owner, Dean Nicholson. Nala’s tail flicked in and out of the video-chat window, and every time she walked in…