
Friday Poll: The Wurst Challenge

The Wurst Challenge: Charity or Gluttony? In Ypsilanti, Michigan, a children’s art center was the beneficiary of the Wurst Challenge, in which contestants tried to eat twenty-foot-long sausages to raise money for the FLY Children’s Art Center. Participants raised more than they had hoped, for a total of about $6,000 dollars. What do you think:…

The Nature Conservancy

If a man wanted to leave a legacy of land to remain forever in its natural state, then he could donate it to the Nature Conservancy (, a charity that preserves donated nature land in exactly that way. I’m indebted to a sharp reader who offered this suggestion for proposed parkland for Walworth County. I’ve…

Welcome, New Teachers

Welcome to Whitewater, Wisconsin. I’m sure our city will be better for your presence. In these weeks and months ahead, so very many helpful people will offer advice and guidance to you. A few others, unhelpfully, will draw close and whisper ever so softly about how you should think, feel, and act to be a…

On the Field of Dreams Project: In Support of Starting Construction Now

Last night, Whitewater’s Common Council discussed beginning construction of the Treyton Kilar Field of Dreams, to build a baseball diamond and related facilities on a part of Starin Park. I’ve written previously in support of the project, and believe Council made the right decision last night to begin construction by awarding an adjusted bid. See,…

Scenes from Whitewater’s 2013 Polar Plunge® for Special Olympics

On February 16, 2013, Whitewater held her annual Polar Plunge® for Special Olympics. On a day with wind chills scarcely above zero, and water of only thirty-six degrees, hundreds of volunteers and donors raised tens of thousands for the Special Olympics of Wisconsin. There’s no greater measure of a community than its charity. Below are…

On the 7.24.12 Special Council Session: Supporting Treyton Kilar’s Field of Dreams Project

Tonight, at 6:30 PM, there will be a special session of Whitewater’s Common Council to consider whether to select a bid for artificial turf for the Treyton’s Field of Dreams project, and to authorize down payment on the project. Council’s decision tonight may determine whether the project meets the continuing requirements for a Pepsi Challenge…

How to Make Whitewater Hip and Prosperous (Part 3)

I posted Parts 1 and 2 of these sketch-posts previously. One suggestion, here: Embrace the Poor. To be prosperous, a community may have to focus on its poor. Americans aren’t supposed to talk about class, but much of that enduring rule recently fell away with the Occupy movement (as it has in earlier episodes of…

The Ride

Phil Keoghan’s 2011 documentary, The Ride, is about a charity bike ride across America to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. I saw the film this weekend on Showtime, and it was interesting from first to last. It was more than interesting – it was inspiring. Along the way, Keoghan and his comrades meet thousands…