
Trump Can Incite, But He Can’t Quell

The man who in 2016 arrogantly declared “I alone can fix it” spent party of Friday evening sheltering in the White House bunker. Trump is unique among presidents in his support for vigilantism (see Donald Trump is America’s First Vigilante President). Inciting others to violent, illegal action (or excusing that action among this supporters) is…

Rep. Justin Amash Learns There Are Only Two Significant Sides in This Conflict

Rep. Justin Amash, who toyed with running for president as a third-party candidate, has decided against doing so. Amash has come – however slowly – to see that, in his words, “circumstances don’t lend themselves to my success as a candidate for president this year.” His candidacy was always a bad idea. See Only a Grand…

GOP Cribs

The Never Trump Republicans of the Lincoln Project have criticized Trump more than once, and are now burrowed deep under his oddly-pigmented skin. They’re highly effective in the way that Russian dissidents were highly effective against the brutality of the Soviet Union: no one knew both those experiences and the character of the regime that…

Practical Implications After Wisconsin v. Palm: The Divide over the Novel Coronavirus

On March 24th, I first began a draft of this post. It seemed to probable then – and it is true now – that Trump would effectually abandon a social distancing or stay-at-home approach, and encourage business as usual to resume promptly. The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s ruling in Wisconsin v. Palm has brought that abandonment to Wisconsin…

3 Views of the Trump Digital Campaign Operation

Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, is proud of the digital campaign operation he’s created for Trump’s election. He’s even referred to it (absurdly) as a ‘Death Star’ operation. Views of the Trump digital offering are mixed. Dave Weigel sees Trump digital platform as interactively engaging for Trump’s fans:  Trump 2020 did not let me go…

Trump’s Condition: Unfit by Many Standards

It’s enough, as an indictment of Trump, to see and then reject his role on purely political grounds: a bigoted autocrat of limited knowledge & reasoning ability with a love of foreign dictators and contempt for American liberal democracy.  One doesn’t need a training in medicine to reject Trump. There are, however, compelling critiques of…