
Friday Catblogging: Jaguars

Nadia Drake observes that The Jaguar Is Made for the Age of Humans (“A writer comes face-to-face with the cat deep in the Amazon jungle and left with a new understanding of its surprising resilience to poaching and habitat loss”): The Ese’Eja, indigenous to this area of Peru, say that the jaguar only shows himself to…

Friday Catblogging: Can Humans and Lions Get Along?

“Lions are really causing us havoc,” laments an African pastoralist in Nani Walker and Alan Toth’s short documentary, Living with Lions. The film chronicles the conflict between lions and humans in Laikipia County, Kenya, where drought and urbanization have pushed people and wildlife into closer contact. Conservationists attempt to mitigate the encounters, which often begin…

Friday Catblogging: Chicago’s Puff The Magic Kitty

From Chicago, it’s Puff the Magic Kitty: Puff comin’ yo. — A Cat Named Bitches (@BitchestheCat) April 19, 2018 (@PuffMagicKitty: “Rescued from a feral colony. New money. Puff puff cat. From a land called Chi-City. Embedded in the #purrsistance with @lbkiddoshow and @Bitchesthecat.”)

Friday Catblogging: The Turkish Van

Here are six facts about Vans that will have even the staunchest members of #TeamDog donating all of their money to a Turkish cat conservation clinic, probably. 1.  They are striking in appearance. Turkish Vans have medium-to-long, silky white hair with just the occasional spot of color — which only appears on the head or the tail due to…