
Foxconn: Still Empty, and the Chairman of the Board Needs a Nap

Trump declared that Foxconn in Wisconsin would be the eighth wonder of the world, but one of the world’s true wonders would not depend on empty buildings and it wouldn’t have a leader who needs a nap, but here we are. Following his earlier examination on Foxconn’s habit of using empty buildings to dupe the…

Trump: It Wasn’t Me…

Trump 2016: “WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks,” Trump said in Pennsylvania. “This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove,” Trump said in Michigan. “Boy, I love reading WikiLeaks,” Trump said in Ohio. Trump 2019:  “I know nothing about WikiLeaks” “It’s not my deal in life.” Sing it:

Unforgotten, Unforgiven

What any given person thinks about Trump is hardly a source of useful criticism. The proper focus of criticism is Trump, His Inner Circle, Principal Surrogates, and Media Defenders and this includes Trumpism Down to the Local Level. Predictably, these Trumpists think that if they leave his employ, perhaps they might recover from the stain…

Trump’s Apparent Cognitive Deficits

The fundamental – and dispositive – objections to Trump are political, legal, ethical, and moral.  Collectively, those objections are overwhelming.  There are, however, practical concerns, also: he’s apparently,  evidently deficient, as psychologist John Gartner writes: In Alzheimer’s, as language skills deteriorate, we see two types of tell-tale speech disorders, or paraphasias: Semantic paraphasia involves choosing the…

What She Left Behind

One reads that while Kirstjen Nielsen is departing the Trump Administration, it may take 2 years to identify thousands of separated families, government says: It could take up to two years for the government to identify potentially thousands of additional immigrant families US authorities separated at the southern border, officials said in a court filing.…

What Never Trump Means

Those libertarians (as I am) and conservatives who declared themselves Never Trump (written on Twitter as #NeverTrump) are those who took that position when considering Trump’s career and his presidential campaign.  On the ample record of Trump’s business career and political campaign, we found him unfit: a bigot, a would-be authoritarian, and an avowed friend…

How Walker and Trump Destroyed Dairies in America’s Dairyland

One has heard so much these last eight years about how Wisconsin has been ‘open for business,’ and for Walker and the WEDC that has meant countless subsidies and tax breaks for conservatives’ preferred businesses. Walker was never a free-market man; his whole approach rested on state capitalism (government funding some producers) and crony capitalism…