
The Genetic Secrets of Celebrity Cat Lil Bub

  View this post on Instagram   BUB sees stuff that we don’t. #lilbub #scienceandmagic #goodjobbub A post shared by Lil BUB (@iamlilbub) on Feb 21, 2019 at 1:53pm PST Karin Bruillard reports Scientists have finally discovered what makes celebrity cat Lil Bub so ‘magical’: Lil Bub is a kitten-size cat with 2 million Instagram followers,…

Friday Catblogging: Auto-Tuned Cat

For more about the software involved, see An auto-tuned cat convinced me to download an audio processing app. Autotuned the cat because he won't shut up in the mornings. I don't know how this helps but I did it anyway. — Joaquin Baldwin (@joabaldwin) February 18, 2019

Friday Catblogging: Cats and Cold

Without doubt, the most important actions to take during a cold spell are ones that protect vulnerable people.  Still, different groups might focus on different needs, and of feral cats, CBS Chicago writes ‘It Takes Just Five Minutes To Save A Cat’s Life’: How To Protect Feral Cats During The Dangerous Cold Spell: -Leave out…

Friday Catblogging: It’s not the cat…

Derek Beres writes Are cats jerks? Or are YOU the jerk?: To claim that cats aren’t social is simply a way to claim your ignorance about this particular animal. Which is the topic of a new study, conducted by researchers at Oregon State University and published in the journal Behavioral Processes. In the first experiment, a total of…

Friday Catblogging: Cat Listens to Mahler

Kyle Macdonald writes This cat listening to Mahler is basically all of us: All Mahler superfans will know that one of his Adagios can elicit a huge range of emotions. But we’re happy to say there’s no need for a detailed analysis of the rates of harmonic change and cadential tension (though we have that too), because…

Friday Catblogging: Utah bobcat released back into the wild

Erin Alberty reports A Utah bobcat named Mr. Murderbritches was just released back into the wild — and the video is going viral: A Utah bobcat now known as Mr. Murderbritches is rapidly gaining notoriety on social media as a video circulates of Murderbritches snarling and swiping at wildlife officers who try to free him…