Right on Schedule – A Foxconn Delay

Talking up the Foxconn project – a habit of the ignorant or scheming – gets harder all the time.

Foxconn looks to have pushed back its construction schedule – to 2021 (past the presidential election). See Foxconn Appears To Push Back Opening Of Mount Pleasant Plant (‘Company Denies Delay But Offers Few Details’).

Here’s the present state of affairs, as Josh Dzieza reports One Year After Trump’s Foxconn Groundbreaking, There is Almost Nothing to Show for It:

Foxconn says it will still eventually employ 13,000 people, and that this factory is only the initial phase. The company says the factory will come online in the fourth quarter of 2020, though Gou also recently told reporters that Trump would attend the start of production next May. Foxconn has said the factory will employ 1,500 people.

Yet the building plans Foxconn submitted to the village show only 570 parking spots. At the end of last year, the company employed just 156 people in the state. It’s possible Foxconn could make up the remaining thousand or so workers by filling its currently vacant innovation centers, though its current rate of hiring makes that unlikely, and it’s probably not what anyone had in mind when they envisioned the return of manufacturing jobs to Wisconsin. To put this shortfall in perspective, Foxconn’s original target was to employ 5,200 people next year.

So one year after the groundbreaking, Foxconn owns a lot of vacant office space across Wisconsin, and it’s building something, but that something has gone from the first Gen 10.5 outside of Asia, to a much smaller Gen 6, to an assembly facility, back to a Gen 6, to possibly not even that.

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