
Injury By Design

Paul Waldman correctly observes that The Trump administration’s immigration policies are impossibly cruel. That’s the whole point: Amid growing outrage over the Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents when families arrive at the border, many are asking how the administration can be so cruel as to literally tear children from their mothers’ arms. There’s…

Assessing Trump’s North Korea Policy

Daniel Dale, a reporter for the Toronto Star, wrote to Jeffrey Lewis, an arms control expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, to get Lewis’s opinion on Trump’s handling of relations with North Korea. (Lewis has a Twitter account with the handle @ArmsControlWonk; Dale is using the word file as a reference to a project…

About that Trump Tax Plan

In Whitewater, by press release (twice), one can read about the supposed benefits of the Trump tax plan. The Whitewater Community Development Authority’s executive director, Dave Carlson, was quick to push a portion of the plan as good for Whitewater. In doing so, he conceded what anyone observing Whitewater with care and concern already knew:…

An Interesting Question

Former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti asks a simple, interesting question: If you were asked to testify that someone you knew committed a federal crime, would you have any testimony to offer? Most of us don’t have inside knowledge of a criminal scheme. That’s why the fear within Trump’s camp that Cohen will flip is so…

The Price of Trumpism is Ruin

Craig Gilbert looks at the careers of Priebus, Ryan, and Walker: They led the “Cheesehead Revolution,” the GOP’s audacious conquest of Wisconsin. They offered a model for bridging Republican frictions between establishment and base. They became national figures. They ran into Donald Trump. They suffered. They bent to his rise. Now one (Priebus) has left…

Trump Nominee Non-Committal on School Integration

Alternative title: Why We Resist and Oppose. WATCH: During her confirmation hearing this morning (yes, this morning – in 2018), judicial nominee Wendy Vitter refused to say whether she agreed with the result in Brown v. Board of Education. #UnfitToJudge — The Leadership Conference (@civilrightsorg) April 11, 2018 Consider the remarks of Wendy Vitter,…

What Paul Ryan’s Departure Means for Whitewater

Paul Ryan hasn’t been Whitewater’s congressman since the last gerrymandering. We’ve faraway septuagenarian multi-millionaire James Sensenbrenner now. Ryan, however, has been more powerful than Sensenbrenner ever could be. Janesville’s Ryan has held greater political power than anyone in our town, to be sure, ever has or ever will. And yet, and yet, Ryan’s done. If…

A Local Problem Before It Became a National One

Philip Bump contends The only information Trump supports is information that makes him look good: Trump highlighting [conservative-leaning pollster] Rasmussen isn’t quite like putting your best friend as a reference on a job application, but it’s not as though he’s going out of his way to list former employers. He also goes a step further,…

Trump Administration Departures

Brian Steler sent along to his readers a photo showing the departures – so far – from the Trump Administration. Stelter writes that On MSNBC Tuesday night, Lawrence O’Donnell joked that this graphic is a “copyrighted feature of Rachel Maddow’s show:” Her “big board” of Trump admin departures. The list keeps getting longer and the…

Trump and Walker

In 2014, Gov. Walker ran for re-election, and two years later Trump ran for president. The two-party results for the GOP candidates in the City of Whitewater were much different. In 2014, Gov. Walker narrowly lost the City of Whitewater to Mary Burke: Walker 2,616  49.8% Burke 2,634    50.2% In 2016, Trump decisively lost…