Whitewater’s Channel 990

Update 1, Tuesday morning:

Channel 990 is televising properly again. Here’s my original email, and a reply from Whitewater’s city manager, Cameron Clapper.  (See also a message below from Kristin Mickelson, Whitewater’s PR & Communications Manager.)

Original email:

Good morning, City Manager Clapper.
I hope this note finds you well, and enjoying a snow day in Whitewater.
I’m writing about a notice on the City of Whitewater website that (1) mentions technical difficulties with the city’s cable access channel, and (2) makes a commitment to post online the videos of public meetings within forty-eight to seventy-two hours.
(A screenshot of the announcement is attached for your ready reference.)
The notice raises three simple questions:
1. Is Channel 990 still experiencing technical difficulties? (While there are programs running now on 990 – at the time of this writing – the notice about difficulties is still posted at the city website.)
2. Does the city have an estimated time of repair for Channel 990 (if still necessary)?
3. As the city ordinarily posts recordings of principal public meetings within about twenty-four hours, why is the promised posting schedule of recorded (but not broadcast) meetings now two or three times as long?
These questions address open government in Whitewater, and so are relevant to the municipality’s routine responsibilities.
Looking forward to your reply.

Reply from Cameron Clapper, Whitewater’s city manager:

Mr. Adams,

Thank you for the email.

I have asked our PR & Communications Manager, Kristin Mickelson, to follow-up with you regarding your questions below. As far as I am aware, the challenge with our broadcasting equipment has been resolved for now and the notice has been removed from the website.

Kristin will be able to supply you with further details.

Most Sincerely,

Cameron Clapper

Whitewater City Manager

Update 2, Tuesday morning:

Reply from Kristin Mickelson, Whitewater’s PR & Communications Manager:

Good morning Mr. Adams,

Thank you for reaching out to us with your questions about the television station. I am happy to answer your questions below.

  1. Channel 990 was briefly offline yesterday, February 11, 2019 with no explanation of why. Our IT staff and myself looked into the issue and was able to get regular programming back on but was unable to broadcast the Plan Commission live. For this purpose, a message was posted to the website informing viewers there was an issue. As the programming is continuing to work at this time, I did remove the message from the city website.
  2. Though IT staff and myself still have not discovered the reason for the station going off air yesterday, we are going to continue to look into the issue and troubleshoot as the equipment is getting older and has had some issues on and off during my time here. We are going to test out our live streaming and update programming in hopes that everything is back to normal. If not, we will than look into other options or upgrades as needed.
  3. As we always strive to post city meetings and any programs we film right away, we cannot promise a 24 hour turnaround time. There are many steps to filming a meeting and preparing it to post to our website and it may take 24-72 hours for my staff to have this completed based on their schedules and procedure alone. Although it is very rare to take longer than a day to post a meeting, it would not be fair to promise 24 hours to our community and not be able to fulfill this promise. In this particular situation, with the equipment having performance issues earlier in the day and with the incoming weather, I was taking precaution that we may not have the man power to complete the editing and posting process within a 24 hour time period. However, I have an amazing staff who worked later in the evening to complete the process so it could be posted right away.

I have very high standards for my department and the TV station is only one part of that. I have a great staff of students who truly cares about their work and have been doing a great job creating new public service announcements and ensuring we have 24 hours of programming on our station whether it be meetings, school concerts, parades, or events around Wisconsin. I am grateful you are a viewer of our station and get to enjoy all the hard work and dedication we put into it. Thank you for asking your questions!

Have a great and safe day.

Kristin Mickelson
PR & Communications Manager


There’s a notice on the City of Whitewater’s website about technical difficulties, and I’ve sent along an email to Whitewater’s city manager with a few simple questions that the notice raises. I’ll post my original email and a reply, if any, I receive.  (Simple questions: whether the channel is still malfunctioning, how long a repair might take, and why the window for the city to post meeting videos online is now longer than the ordinary posting period.)

I’m mentioning the email now because it’s better to be candid about one’s communications with the government (as against a few entitled residents in this city who think that this government is at their private disposal).

There’s a proper order for a blogger to approach government, in matters big or small, as a common person. See Steps for Blogging on a Policy or Proposal.

Daily Bread for 2.12.19

Good morning.

Tuesday in Whitewater will be snowy with a high of thirty-three.  Sunrise is 6:54 AM and sunset 5:23 PM, for 10h 28m 09s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 45.8% of its visible disk illuminated.

Whitewater’s Community Involvement and Cable TV Commission lists a 5:00 PM meeting. (Update: canceled due to weather.)

Abraham Lincoln is born on this day in 1809.

Recommended for reading in full:

 Eli Rosenberg reports ‘No crisis exists’: El Paso officials tell Trump to stop the falsehoods about their border city:

At a news conference Monday afternoon, Rep. Veronica Escobar (D), who represents the city in Congress, El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego, District Attorney Jaime Esparza, and Commissioner Carlos Leon said Trump’s statements threatened to damage the town’s reputation.

“We’ve worked so hard to have the image of a solid community,” said Samaniego, who noted that his family emigrated to the country in 1911. “Every one of us is touched with the falsehoods that are taking place.”

Trump had made the city a centerpiece of his push for a border wall during the State of the Union address last week, saying that its fence, which was constructed between 2008 and 2010, had reduced violent crime and made El Paso one of the “safest cities in our country.” He repeated the claims during his campaign rally in the city on Monday night.

But Trump’s claims were false. The city’s violent crime peaked in 1993 before declining sharply throughout the 1990s, in line with national trends, and long before the city’s fence was approved by Congress in 2006.


“Donald Trump has continuously made inaccurate claims about the United States’ southern border, including El Paso,” the [municipal] resolution said, noting that data from Customs and Border Protection showed that “no crisis exists” on the border, despite Trump’s claims. “The County of El Paso is disillusioned by President Trump’s lies regarding the border and our community, and though it is difficult to welcome him to El Paso while he continues to proliferate such untruths, we do welcome him to meet with local officials to become properly informed about our great and safe region.”

Philip Bump writes Trump’s days of hard work generally begin at 11 a.m. — even in a busy week:

It’s hard to gauge how much work Trump does during his executive time, because it is unscheduled and mostly unrecorded, even within the broader White House.


All of this is by design, allowing Trump to make claims about how much he works by masking his leisure time under the rubric of “executive time.” We can’t say with certainty that Trump isn’t having important phone calls with foreign leaders for hours on end before heading down to the Oval Office each day, so we’re asked to assume that he is.

  Do Scientists Ever Name Creatures After People They Dislike?

Foxconn: When the Going Gets Tough…

The national press has reported extensively, and critically, on the Foxconn project. National technology site The Verge (part of Vox Media) has also noticed how local officials who flacked this project day and night are now, well, quieter.

Nilay Patel writes Let’s all watch the Wisconsin local news desperately try to get answers about Foxconn:

No one knows what’s happening with Foxconn’s promised factory in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin (my hometown!) after conflicting reports surfaced last week that construction was on hold, then not on hold, on hold again, and then maybe back on track after Trump personally called Foxconn CEO Terry Gou. We’ve been tracking the story closelyBloomberg Businessweek just ran a cover story about it, and there’s a great Reply All episode about it as well. It’s… well, it’s a mess.

But nothing quite captures the insanity like this tremendous report from Terry Sater at WISN 12 in Milwaukee. Here are some things it contains:

  • Absolutely no one from Mount Pleasant, Racine, or Foxconn going on the record.
  • Mount Pleasant Village President Dave DeGroot hiding behind his door to avoid answering questions about the broken deal.
  • Sater more or less vlogging from his car while driving around the Foxconn property as Foxconn security tails him.
  • Foxconn security pulling Sater over and kicking him off the property after they arrive at the main construction office.
  • Michael Bonn, the finance director for Mount Pleasant, telling Sater that he’s “trying to figure [it] out myself” because he hasn’t been to work in a day and a half.

When the going gets tough…the development gurus go mute.

Previously10 Key Articles About FoxconnFoxconn as Alchemy: Magic Multipliers,  Foxconn Destroys Single-Family HomesFoxconn Devours Tens of Millions from State’s Road Repair BudgetThe Man Behind the Foxconn ProjectA Sham News Story on Foxconn, Another Pig at the TroughEven Foxconn’s Projections Show a Vulnerable (Replaceable) WorkforceFoxconn in Wisconsin: Not So High Tech After All, Foxconn’s Ambition is Automation, While Appeasing the Politically Ambitious, Foxconn’s Shabby Workplace ConditionsFoxconn’s Bait & SwitchFoxconn’s (Overwhelmingly) Low-Paying JobsThe Next Guest SpeakerTrump, Ryan, and Walker Want to Seize Wisconsin Homes to Build Foxconn Plant, Foxconn Deal Melts Away“Later This Year,” Foxconn’s Secret Deal with UW-Madison, Foxconn’s Predatory Reliance on Eminent Domain, Foxconn: Failure & FraudFoxconn Roundup: Desperately Ill Edition Foxconn Roundup: Indiana Layoffs & Automation Everywhere, Foxconn Roundup: Outside Work and Local Land, Foxconn Couldn’t Even Meet Its Low First-Year Goal, Foxconn Talks of Folding Wisconsin Manufacturing Plans, WISGOP Assembly Speaker Vos Hopes You’re StupidLost Homes and Land, All Over a Foxconn Fantasy, Laughable Spin as Industrial Policy, Foxconn: The ‘State Visit Project,’ and ‘Inside Wisconsin’s Disastrous $4.5 Billion Deal With Foxconn.’


Daily Bread for 2.11.19

Good morning.

Monday in Whitewater will be mostly cloudy with a high of thirty-one.  Sunrise is 6:56 AM and sunset 5:21 PM, for 10h 25m 29s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 35.3% of its visible disk illuminated.

Whitewater’s Planning Board meets at 6:00 PM.

This day in 1846 sees a shooting in the Territorial Legislature:

The legislature was debating the appointment of Enos S. Baker for sheriff of Grant County when Charles Arndt made a sarcastic remark about Baker’s colleague, James Vineyard. After an uproar, adjournment was declared and when Arndt approached Vineyard’s desk, a fight broke out during which Vineyard drew his revolver and shot Arndt.

Recommended for reading in full:

 Richard Parker explains Why the Wall Will Never Rise:

If President Donald Trump ever gets the funding for his long-promised wall, he will have to plot a course through Texas. But he will never make it all the way through here, the 800-mile stretch from Laredo to nearly El Paso. There will be no “concrete structure from sea to sea,” as the president once pledged. Taking this land would constitute an assault on private property and require a veritable army of lawyers, who, I can assure you, are no match for the state’s powerful border barons.


Although many big ranchers and landowners backed Trump, they are conservative in the most traditional senses. They actually believe in small government, free enterprise, free trade, and private property. And nobody puts a wall through their brush. These men and women are a pretty private bunch, too. You won’t find their names in the newspaper screaming bloody murder.

But they know how to make their presence felt. Last year, a couple of dozen border barons from the Laredo region summoned local politicians, cops, and representatives from the Customs and Border Patrol. It was a private, even secret event—no cameras, no press. According to Steve LaMantia, who led the group, the landowners delivered a warning to the feds not to build a wall through their land. To underscore their point, they held another meeting. And just in case it wasn’t crystal clear, they’re going to have another one.

“The general sentiment—to a person—is that everybody is in favor of additional border security,” said LaMantia. But seizing land through eminent domain? “That is diametrically opposed by everybody, from Zapata to Del Rio.”


If the border barons lose in court, that still won’t mean victory for Trump. They could simply chew up the wall by chewing up the clock on Trump’s time as president. They could demand an injunction blocking the government from taking the land before arriving at a settlement. And their lawyers could wrap the government up in years of haggling over dollars.

  One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Cyborg:

Daily Bread for 2.10.19

Good morning.

Sunday in Whitewater will bring snow with a high of twenty-seven.  Sunrise is 6:57 AM and sunset 5:20 PM, for 10h 22m 50s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 26.6% of its visible disk illuminated.


On this day in 1763, the Treaty of Paris cedes formerly French-controlled land, including the Wisconsin region, to England.

Recommended for reading in full:

Joshua Partlow, Nick Miroff, and David A. Fahrenthold report ‘My whole town practically lived there’: From Costa Rica to New Jersey, a pipeline of illegal workers for Trump goes back years:

Angulo learned to drive backhoes and bulldozers, carving water hazards and tee boxes out of former horse pastures in Bedminster, N.J., where a famous New Yorker was building a world-class course. Angulo earned $8 an hour, a fraction of what a state-licensed heavy equipment operator would make, with no benefits or overtime pay. But he stayed seven years on the grounds crew, saving enough for a small piece of land and some cattle back home.


It’s a common story in this small town.

Other former employees of President Trump’s company live nearby: men who once raked the sand traps and pushed mowers through thick heat on Trump’s prized golf property — the “Summer White House,” as aides have called it — where his daughter Ivanka got married and where he wants to build a family cemetery.

“Many of us helped him get what he has today,” Angulo said. “This golf course was built by illegals.”

Soo Rin Kim, Katherine Faulders, and Matthew Mosk report Trump campaign paid legal fees to firm representing Jared Kushner:

President Donald Trump‘s campaign has spent nearly $100,000 of donor money to pay legal bills to the firm representing Jared Kushner, the latest campaign finance records show.

The president’s re-election campaign made two payments to the firm, Winston & Strawn LLP – $55,330 and $42,574. The expenditures were payments to Kushner’s attorney Abbe Lowell for Kushner’s legal fees, sources with knowledge of the payments told to ABC News. Lowell joined the firm in May 2018.

“Low dollar” contributions – $200 or less – made up 98.5 percent of the total funds raised by the Trump campaign in the last quarter of 2018, a consistent trend throughout the year, according to a press release by the campaign, along with the latest campaign finance filings.

 Patrick Marley reports Wisconsin GOP billing taxpayers almost twice as much as Democratic governor for lawyers in lame-duck lawsuits:

Republican lawmakers are charging taxpayers nearly twice as much an hour as Democratic Gov. Tony Evers in the legal fight over Wisconsin’s lame-duck laws.

Taxpayers will pay the lead attorney for lawmakers $500 an hour, according to contracts released Friday under the state’s open records law. The law firm Evers has hired is charging taxpayers $275 an hour.

The deals Evers cut are capped at $100,000, though that limit could be raised if the litigation is extensive. There are no caps on how much attorneys for the Republicans can charge.

  Five of the Best Street Food Finds in Paris:

Daily Bread for 2.9.19

Good morning.

Saturday in Whitewater will be partly sunny with a high of nineteen.  Sunrise is 6:58 AM and sunset 5:19 PM, for 10h 17m 36s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 18.4% of its visible disk illuminated.


On this day in 1870, Pres. Grant signs a joint resolution authorizing a national weather service, long a dream of Milwaukee scientist Increase Lapham:

Lapham, 19th-century Wisconsin’s premier natural scientist, proposed a national weather service after he mapped data contributed over telegraph lines in the Upper Midwest and realized that weather might be predicted in advance.

Recommended for reading in full:

David Glovin and Andrew Martin report Manafort Prosecutors Have Questions About $1 Million Condo Loan:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller wants to know more about a $1 million loan made to Paul Manafort’s family in the days after the FBI raided his home.

Mueller’s prosecutors on Thursday told a court they needed to know more about the August 2017 loan, from a Nevada company called Woodlawn LLC. Manafort, the onetime chairman of President Donald Trump’s campaign, guaranteed the loan, which was secured by the family’s interest in a Manhattan condominium, according to court papers.

As Manafort’s legal problems escalated, Woodlawn installed a Hollywood bit player named Joey Rappa as its “managing member” in public filings. The investor or investors funding the loan wanted to remain anonymous given the potential for embarrassment, according to a lawyer for the lender.

Now that prosecutors are seeking to seize the condo after Manafort’s conviction on tax- and bank-fraud charges, Woodlawn is staking a claim to it in order to collect on the debt.

But one riddle remains: Who actually funded the $1 million loan?

 Aaron Blake assesses What we learned from the Matthew G. Whitaker hearing:

Whitaker might not have revealed anything disastrous, but he was an unsteady witness. At the start of the hearing, he decided to tell the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), that Nadler had exceeded his allotted five minutes for questions, earning gasps and laughter from those assembled. He repeatedly told members that this was an oversight hearing and not a confirmation hearing, even though they were generally asking him about the investigation of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III (over which he has oversight). He repeatedly and obviously stalled by avoiding easy yes-or-no questions or not answering at all. He often referred to how little fun he was having during the hearing and how little time he had left in his job, given Barr has a confirmation vote next week.

None of it inspired much confidence from the nation’s active leading law enforcement official. There are ways to deftly maneuver these things without giving away too much (as Barr showed us in his confirmation hearing). But Whitaker seemed to be holding on for dear life, intent to run out the clock — both during questioning and on his time as acting attorney general.

  How Planes Land Sideways In High Winds:

The Pictures on the Wall

During a recent visit to the public library here in Whitewater, I stopped to look at a display of photographs, of framed pictures each showing a resident of the city posing with a book.

The residents were easy to see, but the book titles harder to identify, so I drew closer to the exhibit.  As I stood there, an older woman from the library’s staff came nearby and began sorting books from a bin.  I thought it might be best to explain to her why I was standing around, so that she would not think that I was about to steal a book, or maliciously sort nearby brochures in an unalphabetized order.

So I said to her, “I’m looking at these photos.”

And she replied, “Do you recognize anyone?”

In her question, one finds an old-fashioned habit still lingering in this city: she was asking about my ability to identify the people in the photographs, not the books they were holding. Even in a library, some residents of the city would, predictably, think this way.

And so I answered her, “Yes, all of them.”  (It is, after all, a small town.)

She was incredulous. “All of them,” she replied disbelievingly.

My best guess about her skepticism is that she believed that if she could not identify someone, then surely he could not possibly be able to identify the leading figures in the city.

In Whitewater, another person – perhaps even a few of those in the photographs – might have taken umbrage, and made some bold statement of prominence, importance, etc.

I had no statement of that kind to make.  Instead, it was more than enough to walk away confident that an untainted observation of a thing matters more than a tainting declaration.

Old Whitewater – a state of mind and not a person – runs on self-promotion as fuel.

There’s no enduring hope, however, in that perspective — one makes one’s way through a cause, not celebrity.

Of books, in particular, is it not true (especially for young readers) that the words inside and out – contents, subjects, titles, and even cover art – are what catch readers’ notice and then hold them spellbound?

The interest in the photographs lies not in the people holding the books, but in the inviting titles in their hands.

‘Inside Wisconsin’s Disastrous $4.5 Billion Deal With Foxconn’

The published case against Foxconn – with reporting & analysis from some of America’s finest journalists and economists – is overwhelming. Their careful, published work has set out the plain facts for well over a year. And yet, as a multi-billion dollar public failure, there are even more startling accounts still emerging.

Austin Carr reports Inside Wisconsin’s Disastrous $4.5 Billion Deal With Foxconn (“A huge tax break was supposed to create a manufacturing paradise, but interviews with 49 people familiar with the project depict a chaotic operation unlikely to ever employ 13,000 workers”):

“This is the Eighth Wonder of the World.”

So declared President Donald Trump onstage last June at a press event at Foxconn’s new factory in Mount Pleasant, Wis. He was there to herald the potential of the Taiwanese manufacturing giant’s expansion into cheesehead country. He’d joined Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou and then-Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker to celebrate a partnership he’d helped broker—“one of the great deals ever,” Trump said. In exchange for more than $4.5 billion in government incentives, Foxconn had agreed to build a high-tech manufacturing hub on 3,000 acres of farmland south of Milwaukee and create as many as 13,000 good-paying jobs for “amazing Wisconsin workers” as early as 2022.


Shortly after Trump’s visit, things got worse. A Foxconn manager at the factory, which then had only about 60 people working there, abruptly called about 15 of them—all interns —into a room to say they should seek other jobs because there wasn’t enough work to hire them full time, according to multiple people present. Two sources recall the manager telling the group, cryptically, that there were forces outside the company’s control affecting the Wisconsin project. A number of the interns, who’d received praise from Trump and shaken Gou’s hand just weeks earlier, were stunned. “It was upsetting for people,” says James Pitman, one of the former interns. “They had hyped a lot of shit up. We were used as a publicity stunt.” Foxconn says that’s insulting and that the internships ended as scheduled.

Interviews with 49 people familiar with Foxconn’s Wisconsin project, including more than a dozen current and former employees close to its efforts there, show how hollow the boosters’ assurances have been all along. While Foxconn for months declined requests to interview executives, insiders describe a chaotic environment with ever-changing goals far different from what Trump and others promised. Walker and the White House declined to comment for this story, although a Trump administration official says the White House would be “disappointed” by any reduced investment. The only consistency, many of these people say, lay in how obvious it was that Wisconsin struck a weak deal. Under the terms Walker negotiated, each job at the Mount Pleasant factory is projected to cost the state at least $219,000 in tax breaks and other incentives. The good or extra-bad news, depending on your perspective, is that there probably won’t be 13,000 of them.

(Emphasis added.)

The full, detailed article – over 3,500 words long — is must-reading about Foxconn.

Previously10 Key Articles About FoxconnFoxconn as Alchemy: Magic Multipliers,  Foxconn Destroys Single-Family HomesFoxconn Devours Tens of Millions from State’s Road Repair BudgetThe Man Behind the Foxconn ProjectA Sham News Story on Foxconn, Another Pig at the TroughEven Foxconn’s Projections Show a Vulnerable (Replaceable) WorkforceFoxconn in Wisconsin: Not So High Tech After All, Foxconn’s Ambition is Automation, While Appeasing the Politically Ambitious, Foxconn’s Shabby Workplace ConditionsFoxconn’s Bait & SwitchFoxconn’s (Overwhelmingly) Low-Paying JobsThe Next Guest SpeakerTrump, Ryan, and Walker Want to Seize Wisconsin Homes to Build Foxconn Plant, Foxconn Deal Melts Away“Later This Year,” Foxconn’s Secret Deal with UW-Madison, Foxconn’s Predatory Reliance on Eminent Domain, Foxconn: Failure & FraudFoxconn Roundup: Desperately Ill Edition Foxconn Roundup: Indiana Layoffs & Automation Everywhere, Foxconn Roundup: Outside Work and Local Land, Foxconn Couldn’t Even Meet Its Low First-Year Goal, Foxconn Talks of Folding Wisconsin Manufacturing Plans, WISGOP Assembly Speaker Vos Hopes You’re StupidLost Homes and Land, All Over a Foxconn Fantasy, Laughable Spin as Industrial Policy, and Foxconn: The ‘State Visit Project.’



Daily Bread for 2.8.19

Good morning.

Friday in Whitewater will be sunny & breezy with a high of ten.  Sunrise is 7:00 AM and sunset 5:17 PM, for 10h 17m 36s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 11.3% of its visible disk illuminated.


On this day in 1958, a Wisconsin representative starts a fight in Congress:

Just before the Civil War, the issue of slavery tore apart the U.S. Congress. On February 8, 1858, Wisconsin Rep. John Potter (considered a backwoods hooligan by Southern aristocrats) leaped into a fight on the House floor. When Potter embarrassed a pro-slavery brawler by pulling off his wig, the gallery shouted that he’d taken a Southern scalp. Potter emerged from the melee covered in blood and marked by slave owners as an enemy. Two years later, on April 5, 1860, he accused Virginia Rep. Roger Pryor of falsifying the Congressional record. Pryor, feeling his character impugned, challenged Potter to a duel. According to Southern custom, a person challenged had the right to choose weapons. Potter replied that he would only fight with “Bowie knives in a closed room,” and his Southern challenger beat a hasty retreat. Republican supporters around the nation sent Potter Bowie knives as a tribute, including this six-foot-long one.

Recommended for reading in full:

 Molly Beck reports Scott Walker gets a new gig charging up to $25,000 per speech:

Former Republican Gov. Scott Walker has a new gig charging five figures to give speeches about politics and his time in public office in Wisconsin.

Walker announced Thursday he would be joining Worldwide Speakers Group, which coordinates speaking engagements for former White House press secretary Sean Spicer, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina.

Walker’s speaking fee ranges between $15,000 and $25,000 per engagement. According to the group’s website, Walker’s speech topics include:

  • Leadership Lessons: How big, bold reforms work.
  • Insights on the current political (and future) landscape in America
  • Crisis Management: How to turn a serious challenge into a major opportunity
  • Power to the People: Sending resources and responsibilities to the states.
  • The Power of Faith in Times of Crisis

(Oh brother: there just aren’t many organizations willing to pay $25,000 for the excitement of watching paint dry.)

 Ron Brownstein observes Trump Is Walling Off the GOP:

The strength of his appeal to the white voters most hostile to economic and social change remains a powerful asset, particularly because the Electoral College and two-senator-per-state rule amplify the influence of interior states where those voters are most prevalent. But the magnitude of the GOP’s defeat in House elections last fall suggests the size of the coalition that Trump is potentially solidifying against his party, particularly as the unprecedentedly diverse Millennial and post-Millennial generations grow as a share of the electorate. As [Peter] Wehner noted, “the real problem” Trump is creating for the GOP is that “the very thing that alienates the Republican Party from most of the public is the very thing that energizes most of the base, which is cultural identity and ethnic nationalism.”

   So, Are All Galaxies the Same?

Scenes from the Alabama Walworth County Legal System

One reads that Walworth County treatment courts face uncertain future after DA questions role:

The future of Walworth County’s treatment courts is uncertain after District Attorney Zeke Wiedenfeld at a special meeting Tuesday questioned his office’s participation in the programs and its level of control over who enters them.

Most questions from Tuesday’s meeting went to Wiedenfeld.  Although treatment courts would not necessarily cease to exist without the participation of the district attorney’s office, some committee members, including Judge Phillip Koss, signaled they would not support programs without it.

Wiedenfeld said he is “concerned” with a treatment-court structure that does not give his office authority to limit who gets into the programs. He said he did not know if he wanted to be involved with a program where it’s up to the judges.

The judge who oversees drug court, Daniel Johnson, said “I don’t think it’s fair to essentially accuse the judges of willy-nilly sending people into these programs whenever we feel like it without a rhyme or a reason to it.”

Judge David Reddy, who is the project director for the county’s treatment courts, said only two of the 69 entries into drug court were against the recommendation of the DA’s office.

Wiedenfeld said it’s his philosophy to be proactive and address small problems before they’re big.

(Emphasis added.)

(It’s telling, really, that Koss, a former prosecutor with a controversial record, would defer to the prosecutorial power rather than of his own judicial office.)

Wiedenfeld speaks of his philosophy (‘to be proactive’) and in support of public safety as though no one on the bench might have those same goals; he presumes his own statutorily-limited role as a prosecutor should include a veto even over the judicial authority in his county.

Too funny, also, that Wiedenfeld thinks threatening to take his marbles and walk away from a successful program is what it means to be proactive.

No, and no again: it’s what it means to undermine a program that’s worked effectively since 2014, with scores of positive outcomes at a significant cost saving to the community.

Daily Bread for 2.7.19

Good morning.

Thursday in Whitewater will ee freezing rain with a high of thirty-six.  Sunrise is 7:01 AM and sunset 5:16 PM, for 10h 15m 02s of daytime.  The moon is a waxing crescent with 6% of its visible disk illuminated.


On this day in 1867, Laura Ingalls Wilder is born near Pepin, Wisconsin.

Recommended for reading in full:

 Rick Romell reports For third straight year, Wisconsin ranks last in business startup activity:

Another year, another last-place ranking for Wisconsin on the business startup front.

For the third year running, Wisconsin has placed 50th among the 50 states in startup activity as measured by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, one of the country’s leading entrepreneurship advocacy and research organizations.

Not only was Wisconsin last; the gap between Wisconsin and the next-lowest states widened significantly from 2016 and 2015. While other states are clustered with relatively small differences from one state to the next, Wisconsin stands as an outlier – on the low end.

(How very surprising, as by using a public-subsidies approach Gov. Walker insisted for each of his eight years that Wisconsin was open for business…)

 Dan Friedman reports Investigators Are Zeroing in on Top NRA Leaders’ Russia Ties—and Challenging the Gun Group’s Story:

After remaining all but mum for the past two years about news reports detailing its ties to Russia, the National Rifle Association finally spoke up this week. The gun group tried to distance itself from a 2015 trip to Moscow by top NRA officials that was arranged by Maria Butina, who pleaded guilty last year to acting as a Russian agent and participating in a conspiracy against the United States. But congressional investigators are challenging the NRA on what they think is a bogus cover story and stepping up investigations of the group.

The 2015 Moscow trip has drawn attention in particular because it appears to have been a key development in an influence campaign orchestrated by Butina and her handler, Russian official Alexander Torshin, to try to cultivate ties with American conservatives and Republicans—eventually including Donald Trump—and nudge them toward pro-Russia policies. Amid the mounting pressure, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre finally broke his silence on the matter, asserting through attorneys this week that he had opposed the trip and acted to distance the gun group from it.

But Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, who is investigating the NRA as the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, has information contradicting the gun group’s claims that it had no “official” connection to the 2015 Moscow trip, sources told Mother Jones. Wyden is preparing a detailed report on the trip. And congressional investigators are homing in on David Keene, a former NRA president who was the trip’s primary organizer on the NRA side, according to people familiar with the matter.


Keene, a longtime conservative Republican figurehead and former opinion editor for the Washington Times, also sought an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the trip, according to reports this week, though one did not take place.

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