Foxconn: Wrecking Ordinary Lives for Nothing

One reads – thanks to a pointer from Joe in a comment – that Wisconsinites whose houses were ruined for Foxconn now see the loss of some homes was for nothing:

The Jensens had owned a home on nearly 3 acres along Southeast Frontage Road for more than 20 years, close to the planned Foxconn development. Cathy Jensen said she went to a couple of village board meetings to get more information, but it was “useless.”

Then, like dozens of fellow homeowners, the Jensens received a relocation order from Mount Pleasant.

“They said that they needed .13 acres of our frontage for a road project … but they would be generous and offer us basically twice the amount and buy our whole property — our whole 3 acres,” Jensen said.

Wisconsin law gives municipalities the power to acquire private property using eminent domain as long as there is fair compensation and the property will be used for a public purpose. This is typically for road improvements, or sometimes to take control of dilapidated property.


The records show the village threatened eminent domain against some homeowners, saying their property was needed for road improvements. But in some cases those plans changed or were dropped even before the homes — some of them newly built — were bulldozed, state records show.

Via Owners near Foxconn say they were misled. Now their homes are gone.

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