Good morning.
Tuesday in Whitewater will be mostly cloudy with a high of sixty-five. Sunrise is 5:20 AM and sunset 8:23 PM, for 15h 02m 55s of daytime. The moon is a waning crescent with 33.4% of its visible disk illuminated.
Whitewater’s Finance Committee meets at 6 PM, and the Whitewater School Board meets in closed session at 6:30 PM, with open session beginning at 7 PM.
On this day in 1987, 19-year-old amateur pilot Mathias Rust lands his plane in Red Square:
Rust, a 19-year-old amateur pilot from West Germany, takes off from Helsinki, Finland, travels through more than 400 miles of Soviet airspace, and lands his small Cessna aircraft in Red Square by the Kremlin. The event proved to be an immense embarrassment to the Soviet government and military.
Recommended for reading in full:
Asawin Suebsaeng reports Trump Embraces Right-Wing One America News Network to Make Fox News Jealous:
For years, the channel has tried to supplant Fox as a dominant force in conservative media. For the past two years, it has prolifically churned out glowing coverage of the Trump administration and its achievements. OAN’s top executives have beseeched the president on Twitter to forget about Fox and to signal-boost them instead. And in the first year of Trump’s presidency, the network produced a commercial mocking CNN’s “Facts First” apple-and-banana ad campaign, and declaring OAN the “Real News.”
The overt flattery seems to be paying off. Fox News is still the president’s favorite media behemoth. But OAN’s team has been catching his eye. This year, Trump has tuned in more often than ever to OAN, two sources close to him say.
Jennifer Rubin writes The press must do better:
The New York Times gives prominent placement on its home page to list all of President Trump’s juvenile nicknames for the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, including the racist Native American slur directed at Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). This serves no purpose other than to highlight his name-calling and reinforce his abusive conduct.
Meanwhile, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders goes on “Meet the Press” to repeatedly accuse former FBI director James B. Comey of treason. She insists everyone knows about corruption at the top levels of the Justice Department. (“We already know that there was an outrageous amount of corruption that took place at the FBI.”) She claims “they” leaked information and lied. (Who? What information? When?) In an apparent reference to two investigators who were removed from the case (Peter Strzok and Lisa Page) after communicating about their private views, she insists “They were specifically working trying to take down the president, trying to hurt the president.” Sanders falsely insists the FBI was guilty of “unprecedented obstruction and corruption.”
Trump’s press secretary is not challenged on her exaggerations, distortions and outright lies, although she in essence concedes Trump has already made up his mind, issued his verdict and is expecting the attorney general to come back with evidence.